Trina Solar is one of the largest solar panel manufacturers in the world. Their impressive reputation puts them ahead in just about every way.
Trina don’t just produce high quality solar panels at a low cost, they invest heavily in research and development. And it’s precisely that reason which makes Trina solar panels stand out from the crowd.
Trina Solar in Australia
The solar panels available on the market today are far better than when Trina originally made their “Honey” PV cell breakthrough in 2012. Today we see their standard Multicrystalline module with an impressive efficiency of 16.20%. Their power tolerance of +5W means you are guaranteed either the rated module power or up to an additional 5W of power. For example a 265W will definitely be at least 265W and will deliver as much as 270W of power.
You know you’ve got a good panel when the manufacturer is a pioneer in research & development. Trina pours money into R & D to ensure solar panels continue to improve. They are literally at the forefront of solar PV module technology. Trina solar broke 15 world records since 2011. Now that’s impressive.
But one of the most pressing concerns for many Australians is what happens in the event of a failure. Most solar panels have the same warranty. But a warranty is only as good as the company behind it. Trina are an exceptionally robust company and have been around longer than most. This makes them one of the best choices when it comes to choosing a tier 1 solar panel.
Download Trina Solar Panels Datasheet Here
Trina Solar Panels in action
Trina panels are used on major projects around the world including here in Australia. Mildura airport, Adelaide airport and the University of QLD all use Trina panels to power their facilities. These are some of the largest solar installations in Australia and undoubtedly were selected under a great amount of scrutiny.
Check out the University of QLD 1.22MW Trina solar panels case study

Trina Honey Solar Panels
What are Trina “Honey” Solar Panels? Trina released it’s high-efficiency solar cells in 2012 and named them “Honey” cells. Trina Honey modules come with what is known as a “linear” warranty. Instead of having set performance warranty periods, Trina guarantee a gradual performance change over time. This sets them apart from most other panel manufacturers and gives owners peace of mind.

Trina Solar Panels – 5 Reasons They Are A Top Choice
To summarise, Trina Solar panels make an extremely good choice for both residential and commercial systems in Australia. Here’s why:
- Trina Solar have an exceptional reputation as a tier 1 panel manufacturer
- Trina Solar are leaders in R & D
- Trina panels have been used in many major projects around the world and chosen by for some of Australia’s largest solar projects
- Trina panels come with an unparalleled linear performance warranty
- Trina Solar are in it for the long-haul, meaning their warranties are solid!